

昨天看了The Social Network, 非常打鸡血。

坚持了一个月了每个礼拜三次健身房。SATS确实是正确的选择,feels really comfortable while training. 原来在power club,一点也没有想去的欲望。

这周发生了好几件很好玩的事情。周二差点儿被逮捕,最后发挥无敌小宝神功逃过一劫,哈哈。A bit scary but fun experience. The cop kept threatening me of taking me into custody, because of? Riding bike against the red light. Well, 纯粹属于点儿背。这种情况有两种选择。option 1:牛掰哄哄, 呛声cops: don’t you have anything better to do such as the real crimes to solve with my fucking tax money? 这种情况下会变得很简单,直接拿了罚单走人。由于我不确定这会不会留下记录,还是比较怂,于是选择了option 2,就是传说中的小宝神功,哈哈哈!最后turned out 大家皆大欢喜。The cop left without even identifying me. 诀窍是什么?Say yes to whatever they say, and keep telling them you know the seriousness about the situation. 当然软中偶尔带点儿硬。最后那俩实在被我弄得无可奈何了,一拍两散了就,嘻嘻。


Now feels happy and freshing, Gonna get some work done.


4 thoughts on “10.31

  1. @ bingo: 我听说过Boston的警察非常nice,尤其是半夜电话叫警察送咱回家这一段,听好几个人提起过,哈!

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